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Child Sponsorship connects sponsors with vulnerable children, creating life-enriching experiences for both.

Search Supporter Tour

Virtual Tour to Bolivia (Mar 2024)

2024/04/24 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Cambodia (Jan 2024)

2024/01/30 Supporter Tour
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Virtual Tour to Uganda (Aug 2023)

2023/09/15 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Virtual Tour to Mongolia (Apr 2023)

2023/05/10 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Virtual Tour to Zimbabwe (Dec 2022)

2022/12/20 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Virtual Tour to Indonesia (Jun 2022)

2022/12/01 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Virtual Tour to Indonesia (Jun 2022)

2022/08/01 Virtual Tour | Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to China Shaanxi (2019)

2019/10/06 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Cambodia (2019)

2019/07/01 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Sri Lanka (2018)

2018/09/03 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Indonesia (2018)

2018/09/03 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Cambodia(2018)

2018/06/13 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Cambodia(2018)

2018/06/13 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Vietnam (2016)

2016/10/03 Supporter Tour
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Supporter Tour to Sri Lanka (2016)

2016/10/03 Supporter Tour
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Life Transformation Begins with New Perspectives

2015/10/01 Supporter Tour | When Sponsor and Child Meet
When we think of India, we think of the Ganges River, yoga, curry, beautiful saris, Bollywood films and more. These, however, are only parts of India that we are seeing...
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Nepalese Women with Unlimited Potential

2015/10/01 Supporter Tour | When Sponsor and Child Meet
Women and children are often oppressed and neglected in poor developing regions. However, women usually have stronger commitment to the family than other members. Bono, a Nobel Peace Prize Nominee....
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Knowledge rewrites the future

2015/09/01 Supporter Tour | When Sponsor and Child Meet
A tour group of 16 visited Cambodia and witnessed villagers’ perseverance to learn and improve their lives. Little children, elderly, men and women are all doing their best to advance themselves with knowledge in schools...
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Wuding, Yunnan Tour Recap

2015/09/01 Supporter Tour | When Sponsor and Child Meet
After hours of traveling on the bumpy roads, the group finally arrived in a village in Wuding, Yunnan. Dressed in traditional costumes, welcoming villagers greeted the group with pleasant smiles...
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