New Look of Child Annual Report
The Annual Progress Report gets better with time, and that is not an overstatement!
As mentioned in the last issue, our old practice of producing sponsored children's "Annual Progress Report" required a lot of manual copying, cutting and pasting. In recent years, we have introduced a computer system to record and process all the data and media, to improve the accuracy and production efficiency of the reports.
"Well, how are you supposed to read the new Annual Progress Report?"
You may have already noticed that we have introduced a brand new layout and design to our "Annual Progress Report". We hope this new version becomes an easier read for our sponsors, and provides an overview of the sponsored children and the community over the past year. This issue of "Discovery Sponsorship Journey" will show you a few parts of the report that you cannot miss!
You do not want to miss these...
A quick reminder: Some sponsors may wonder why the child may look expressionless, or is so well dressed in the photo. For children who lead a simple life, taking photos may not be something regular, so they may look tense because they are nervous. Also, some parents may think that taking photos is something significant, so they would dress up their kids in their best outfits or even borrow clothes from their neighbours!
A quick reminder: The report simply records the activities that your sponsored child and his/her familiy participated in through your sponsorship in the previous year. It is difficult to fully elaborate the impact of the activities in just a few lines, but it is certain that your sponsored child's entire family has taken another step towards the long-term goal of becoming self-sufficient through the collaboration of everyone involved.
A quick reminder: Our community development projects cover various types of infrastructure constructions and skills training, as well as education on enhancing child protection and hygiene awareness. If you would like to know more about the community where your sponsored child lives in, you may take a look at page 4, where you can find details such as a message from the local programme manager, the geographical location of the community, as well as the current stage of development.
The Progress Made Possible by You
This annual report is a summary of your sponsored child's activities throughout the year under Child Sponsorship. Besides giving an overview of the current situation of children and their families, it also showcases World Vision's life-transforming work in impoverished communities and its milestones. Such progress could not have been made possible without the donations from you and other sponsors, as well as the joint efforts of the children, community members and our staff!
Please Look Forward to Your Exclusive Child Report
In the future, we will continue to diligently find ways to improve the accuracy and enrich the content of the "Annual Progress Report", so that you can witness the development of your child and his/her community year by year.
If you have not received the report, or have any questions while reading and would like us to follow up on your sponsored child's situation with colleagues in the community, please call 2394 2394 or contact us by email.
If there are any questions about sponsorship, or other topics that you would like us to cover, please send us an email at [email protected] to "Discovery Sponsorship Journey". Your questions may become the topic of our upcoming issue!