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Behind a Child Annual Report of a Child

2021/09/28-Annual Progress Report | Children & Community Development | Use of Donations

Don't we all love the moment when we receive the annual progress report and see the recent photos of our children, thinking to ourselves: How's he/she doing? Has he/she grown any taller? Is he/she living well?

This report records the growth of your sponsored child and the development of the community every year made possible through your kind support. It takes more than just time and energy to prepare the reports, but technology also plays a crucial role in processing the huge amount of child data. The 3rd issue of our "Discovery Sponsorship Journey" will lead you through the evolution of our report preparation in the past few years!

In the past, our frontline staff used relatively "primitive" methods to prepare the reports: recording the child's condition one by one, cutting and pasting the child's photos, and then matching the address of the sponsor. It is not difficult to finish one report, but when there are hundreds or even thousands of sponsored children in just one community, things become difficult. For example, identifying the right child number can already be a challenge when some handwriting can be hard to read…

A few years ago, we decided to make some major changes to the production process of the "Annual Progress Report". We began recording children's education, health and benefit status on a computer system, and gradually changed the handwritten content to computer matching and printing, which has greatly improved the accuracy and saved time on processing a large amount of paperwork, allowing more resources to be allocated to community work and caring for children.

Sponsors live miles away from their sponsored children, and therefore cannot closely observe their growth, so the "annual progress report" plays an important role in Child Sponsorship. We will continue to improve the reporting content and our communication with sponsors, so that sponsors can better understand the impact of their donations on children and their communities. In case you have not yet received your child's report and need a resend, or just want to know more about your child's current situation, please feel free to contact us.

Spoiler: More about the content of the reports will be introduced in our next issue, stay tuned!

If there are any questions about sponsorship, or other topics that you would like us to cover, please send us an email at [email protected] to "Discovery Sponsorship Journey". Your questions may become the topic of our upcoming issue!

Others Annual Progress Report | Children & Community Development | Use of Donations

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